Après D’avoir mon identifiant vidéocan, puis-je partager les vidéos avec qui je veux?
All videos are password protected and have restrictions on that prevent them from being embedded or downloaded on other websites. So if you wanted to share a video with your artist friend or peer, you can do so privately. If your artist friend or peer wants to see the whole catalogue, then they need to get a videocanID.
Allez-vous m'envoyer de la merde?
Only if you opt-in to our email list. The crap you speak of might include changes to the archive or anything of note, such as if we are being sued by certain acting unions.
COnfigurez votre videocanid
[Enter your name]
[Enter your email]
[Create your password]
[Re-type your password]
In signing up you are agreeing to the videocan oath:
“I recognize the importance of documenting and sharing live performance through digital technology because I live in the 21st century and even though I know it’s not ‘the same’ as really seeing the ‘real’ thing I won’t complain because I understand that video can still capture important aspects of a performance and I think the value of sharing work is greater than some of my aesthetic prejudices amen.”