get key

frequently asked questions

+ why do I need a key?

The videocan catalogue is protected by a super secret password key. In order to view the catalogue, one must go through the mildly laborious rigmarole of getting that key revealed to you via the above form. Sorry. That’s the way it is.

+ once I have the password, can I just share share it with anyone?

Sure. But we’ll change it now and then just to keep everything a little bit more secure.

+ so i’ll have to get it again and again?

Tragic. But you’ll survive. Also, do you think we have time to change it everyday? Ha.

+ can I share the videos with anyone I want?

All videos are password protected and have restrictions on that prevent them from being embedded or downloaded on other websites. So if you wanted to share a video with your artist friend or peer, you can do so privately. If your artist friend or peer wants to see the whole catalogue, then they need to get the password.

+ I noticed I had to put in my email, are you going to send me crap?


+ are you going to steal my data?

No. We tech savvy but not that tech savvy.