videocommentary set up instructions 

This is a private webpage detailing important information and set up requirements for an episode of videocommentary.

A) Setup

  1. Please have a laptop/computer and your power cable ready for the time of recording

  2. We’ll use a mixture of + Watch2gether—the former locally records to each computer (for best quality) and then uploads to the cloud, therefore,

  3. [Super important] please make sure you have at least 12GB of free space on your computer

  4. Please be ready to record in a relatively quiet space with stable and relatively fast wifi; please also avoid being backlit

  5. The videocan equipment cases hold the headphones, microphones, webcams, ethernet cables, and adapters you’ll be using. We will walk you through the setup at the start of our recording time. Optional: if you’d like to arrive 15 minutes early to the session, we can get a head start.

Riverside will be used to record your faces and your audio. Here is the link to it:

Watch2gether will be used so that you can all watch the same video and control the time bar (pause, start, rewind, etc.). 

  • We recommend doing a bit of test drive of it here with a random YouTube video:

  • On the day of the recording, we will send you an updated link to Watch2gether with your video prepped

B) Duration

  • videocommentaries are marathons of sorts going through a work piece by piece, frame by frame. We believe in you! Take your time. Be specific. Breathe. Drink water. It’s important to us that the discussion stays rigorous and enriching. This recording could take at least two to three hours. If you need to use the bathroom, we’ll just make sure we pause in the video before that moment.

C) THIS EPISODE’S Video Link for Pre-Watching

D) Conversation/Tips:

  • The goal of this commentary is to go deeper into the work and to contextualize it from as many angles as possible. We highly recommend checking out a bit of Episode 1 to get a sense of what this might look like:

  • Here are our general guidelines for the recording:

  • All members of the commentary should arrive having reviewed the video in its entirety at least once and with detailed notes on specific moments they’d like to discuss/reflect upon. Consider writing down timestamps.

  • At the top of the recording, we’ll adjust our individual sound levels for Watch2gether. This will allow us to speak to one another without having to yell over the archival.

  • Begin by introducing yourselves.

  • Wherever possible, respond to what you see/hear on screen. This is generally stronger than talking abstractly about things not present in the video. That said, tangents and anecdotes are welcome.

  • It’s perfectly okay to watch for minutes in relative silence then pause and discuss something that stands out to you.

  • It’s also okay to let the video roll and talk over it. To keep the momentum of the commentary up, we should only stop to respond to specific moments or gestures or compositions, or if it is necessary to discuss a detail or provide a framing/context before moving on.

  • We try to do as little editing to the conversation itself as possible. So please don’t narrate your use of Zoom or the Watch2gether platforms. We’ll practice a bit beforehand with starting, pausing, and jumping around. “Where’s the pause button…. Hmmmm… oh there it is!” aren’t always easy to edit out.

  • When the video ends, you can keep talking. Find the ending as you see fit.

  • To close the commentary, please thank each other!

E) Payment:

At the end of the recording, we’ll ask everyone to invoice “Patrick Blenkarn, re: videocommentary” for $500 CAD. Please include GST if you need to collect it.

We sincerely appreciate your effort and contributions in making this video. We hope that the process of making your videocommentary is rewarding and we encourage you to have fun with it!

Patrick, Milton, and the videocan team

recording day walk-through

  1. Group assembly of equipment

    1. Multi-ports

    2. Microphones

    3. Cameras

  2. Ensure computers are plugged in and phones to Do Not Disturbclose your Mail app

  3. Set up watch2gether

  4. Set window/screen arrangement so you can see the video and each other’s faces. You shouldn’t need to touch anything on Riverside once we start

  5. Set video volume to a low enough level that you can comfortably speak over it

    • Please don’t mute yourselves (even on the break), it’ll make our lives much easier

  6. Test drive the interface—don’t touch the Vimeo timebar

    • “I’m going to pause now.”

    • Avoid mouse narrating: “Where’s the pause button…. Hmmmm… oh there it is!”

    • Elect one person to control the Pause Button. “Can we pause here?”

  7. Refresher on rhythm and pace

    • Staying connected with what’s on the screen will help you keep moving

    • Aim for 75% video running and talking over it (you can always go back) and 25% stop and talk

  8. How to end the commentary

  9. Optional: Phone recording as backup (we’ll test first and see if we need to do it for this recording)

  10. Discuss breaks

  11. Discuss restrictions: Is there anything you don’t want to talk about related to this work?

  12. Dry run of introductions

    • Who will speak first, second, third?

  13. Final break before starting the recording